
As a collector, you know how much time and effort goes into building and maintaining a collection. Whether you collect vintage Japanese toys,scale models, hard to find collectibles, or writing instruments, it’s important to find a way to organise and display your items that makes let’s you fully enjoy you collections. Here are five tips from Kaizen & Cohen for organising and displaying your collection.

1. Decide where and how to display your collections:

The very first first step in organising your collection is to decide on where and how will you display your collectibles. Pick a suitable space in your house or office. Then decide how are you going to display your items. This could be obvious solutions like shelves. But you can also get simple or more elaborate display cases. The key is to find a way to keep your items organised and well protected, while also making them accessible at the same type. A good trick is to find 2nd had shop storage, display cases.

collection of handbags

2. Digital organization:

For larger collections or for those who want to share their collection with others, creating a digital inventory can be helpful. This can be as simple as a spreadsheet or a more advanced database or App. A digital inventory can help you keep track of what you have and any details about each item.

3. Displaying your collection:

There are a few different ways to display your collection. One option is to create a physical display, such as a shelving unit or wall display. This allows you to showcase your items in a way that is easy for others to see and appreciate. Another option is to create a virtual display, using a website or social media platform like Instagram or TikTok. This can be a great way to share your collection with a wider audience and potentially connect with other collectors.

4. Consider the value of your items:

If you have items in your collection that are particularly valuable, it’s important to consider how you will store and display them. You may want to invest in high-quality display cases or storage solutions to protect these items.

5. Experiment with different approaches:

Organizing and displaying a collection is a personal process, and what works for one collector may not work for another. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different approaches until you find the one that works best for you and your collection.


As a serious collector, it’s important to enjoy the process of building and maintaining your collection. Remember the golden rule of collecting: “do not rush it.” Collecting is not about having as much as possible, but about enjoying the items you have and the process of acquiring them. Take the time to carefully curate your collection and find a way to organize and display your items that works for you.